Kindred Kids Kinesiology


After the session

Home support may be needed to further integrate changes. These activities are simple and effective to support the changes to behaviour and emotional wellbeing.

Working with Babies

Sessions with babies are much the same for a child however this is where surrogating with mum comes into the equation. Toddlers and babies need to move, wiggle, feed and sometimes cry - Your child does not have to stay completely still for the kinesiologist to work.  Feel free to bring along your own toys from home or play with the toys we have in clinic.  

What does a KINESIOLOGY session look like for a child/baby?

We experience all imaginable issues in clinic. This can range from our little people who are struggling with anxiety, learning difficulties, stomach issues, sleep and even depression. We are here to help and support you with the little and big changes that can make a difference to your child’s progress and their emotional wellbeing and learning.

Before your first Session

Our first session includes collecting information about your child’s history, which can assist in taking a snapshot of where the child is in relation to an issue. A CALL with you the parent before the session is important as this allows the session to flow freely without the child feeling that someone is talking about them in front of others. Depending on the age of the child, we might also speak to the child alone with your consent to discuss what they believe may be the issues that are concerning them at the moment.

Issues we see in Clinic

Emotional Issues - meltdowns , separation anxiety , confidence, Anger, Fear, Trauma , challenges regarding competition, seperation anxiety and dealing with grief.

School Issues- school refusal, bullying, friendship issues, being the bully, behavioural Issues, unable to sit still, listening to directions, fidgety, ADHD and general learning difficulties

Dealing with Changes – new baby, new home, separation of parents, starting school, behaviour issues and family illness.

Home Issues - sibling rivalry, grief - death in the family or pets, behavioural Issues, conflict with family members

Physical Issues - bed wetting, toiletry Issues, co-ordination, sleep, speech, sensory sensitivity, vomitting for no known reason, newborn sleep and feeding issues, food sensitivities, tummy trouble and immune deficiency - constantly unwell

What does a session look like for a child?

Relaxing the nervous system with specific techniques including rubbing the feet with oils is another way to open the communication between the child and the Kinesiologist.

Throughout the session emotions that do not serve the child are found through muscle testing, connected and released. Looking at brain integration and retained primitive reflexes may be part of this child's story and this will be identified during the session. Establishing the connection to how they want to feel different is an integral part of the session and letting go of what does not support them can bring about big changes in your little one's future. For younger children this might simply be knowing what the emotion is and processing how it feels in the body and allowing for the child to connect with that emotion and then release.